Meet Camryn, a junior TRIO Scholar majoring in Biology (Computational and Genomics Track) with a minor in Spanish!

Camryn is a local from St. Louis and is currently involved with the Taylor Family Center as a TRIO Mentor and as a lead for TRIO Calc Clinics to provide first-year TRIO students with additional calculus resources to fill in gaps in understanding calculus concepts and prepare for exams.

Some of her achievements while at WashU include being a part of the MARC uSTAR Summer Scholars program, where she conducted research in the Millman Lab after her freshman year; she was also recently accepted into the MARC U-STAR Academic-Year Program for her junior and senior years. This past summer, she worked with the Pediatric Center of Excellence in Nephrology, where she participated in conducting clinical research.

This academic year, she plans to study abroad in Chile during the spring semester.