Annie currently serves as Assistant Director for the Taylor Family Center for Student Success, managing the programming and providing support for junior and senior Taylor Scholars. In this role, she leads events that support personal and professional growth that will assist students in their post-grad transition. In addition, Annie oversees development and implementation of the Taylor Professional Success Mentorship Program (TPS). The TPS Mentorship Program pairs first-generation and limited income juniors and seniors with professional mentors in the career fields of their interests to hone their skills and develop a network.

Annie has been supporting first-generation and limited-income students at WashU since 2021. Previous to joining the Taylor Family Center for Student Success, Annie worked in the nonprofit sector in education support programs and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia. She has a B.S. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and M.Ed in Youth Development from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Annie aims to be a resource for all first-generation, limited- income, and undocumented students on campus. Her office can be found in DUC 334B.