The Student Success Fund Portal Opens January 20, 2025.

SSF cannot provide funding for the summer.

Overview of funding

WashU is committed to ensuring our students can experience a transformative and equitable experience regardless of their financial circumstances. The Student Success Fund offers access to additional funding for enrichment opportunities or emergency needs as they arise and serves as a valuable resource.

Student Success Fund eligibility

To be eligible for the Student Success Fund a student must:

Be a full-time undergraduate student
Have demonstrated need, identified by Student Financial Services
Be able to provide documentation of the expense
Provide an itemized receipt of each purchase

Deadlines & important information

Monday, January 20, 2025: Student Success Fund Application Portal Opens

Thursday, April 17: Deadline to submit application for spring

Friday, April 18: Student Success Fund Application portal closes

Friday, May 2: Deadline to upload supporting documentation

Friday, May 16: Deadline to upload itemized receipts for all payments received during the spring semester

Supporting documentation

Supporting documents must also be uploaded upon submission of your application. Examples of acceptable supporting documents include the following:

  • Study abroad acceptance letters*
  • Screenshot of student organization dues/fees*
  • Invoices
  • Written quotes*
  • Itemized receipts

Applications that have been submitted with one of the above documents will be considered “Complete” and the status will be updated to Under Review.

Applications that are missing supporting documents will be considered “Incomplete” and their status will remain as Applied. You will have two weeks from the time your application is submitted to upload your documents. If your documents remain missing after (2) weeks, the status of your application will be changed to Fully Denied and you will need to resubmit your request after your supporting documents are readily available.

*Please note that if you apply with supporting documents other than an itemized receipt (e.g. letters, estimates, screenshots, etc.), you will have (2) weeks from the time you receive your payment to upload the itemized receipt that confirms your actual purchase or use of the SSF funds provided.

Failure to submit the missing itemized receipt will cause you to be ineligible for future SSF funding.

Financial aid impact

It is important to note that due to federal regulations, all non-emergency requests (excludes request for emergency events and veteran’s education benefits) will undergo a review by Student Financial Services to determine if your requested funds will be considered additional financial assistance for the enrollment period and impact your current financial aid offer. If Student Financial Services determines that an adjustment is required to your financial aid, you will receive a notification from the SSF Manager with detailed information before any changes to your aid or payments are processed.

Emergency events

  • Unexpected and urgent medical expenses including emergency tooth extraction, replacing broken glasses, emergency room visit, and ambulance services.
  • Unexpected and urgent trip home due to the death or critical illness of an immediate family member (defined parent, stepparent, grandparent, step-grandparent, sibling, stepsibling, spouse, or child).

2024 – 2025 walk-in hours

  • Tuesdays: 1-3 p.m.
  • Wednesdays and Fridays: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Appointments are also available upon request; please email
  • Student Success Fund Manager office: DUC, room 330 in the TFCSS

Fund restrictions

We cannot pay for the following:

Housing deposits/damages
Clothing (seasonal, shoes, etc.)
Technology (including computers/laptops, phone repairs, software, etc.)
Recurring bills including utilities, and cell phone bills (excludes mental health prescriptions)
Textbooks, course fees
Meal plans
Study abroad (all costs except passport and visas)
Bear Bucks
Parking or parking tickets
iPads and AirPods

All requests should be a single payment request with the exception of mental health expenses.

Textbooks, course fees, seasonal clothing, travel, and other Cost of Attendance Items

All requests for textbooks, course fees/materials, seasonal clothing, travel and other Cost of Attendance items, must go through Student Financial Services.

Additional Information

Our funds

Fund nameAllowed expenses
Brown Family FundThis fund is no longer available.
Sherman RohrbachTravel stipends, medical expenses not covered by insurance, fees for graduate and professional school admissions tests and other expenses for experiential learning opportunities and emergency needs of undergraduate students with financial need
Emily and John ChenExpenses related to the support for undergraduate students who have emergency needs and/or students who are pursuing educational experiences in China
Student Union Opportunity FundSupport co-curricular expenses for students with financial need
Mental Health FundExpenses to support student mental health
Stephanie Brooks Dains and John DainsExpenses in support of student emergencies and educational enrichment
Varsity Athletic FundQualifying student-athletes can access the full student-athlete experience by removing financial barriers as allowed by the NCAA
Black Alumni Emergency FundExpenses for graduate school applications and graduate fees, emergency travel, and as a resource to support other such academic needs