
The TRIO program provides support to undergraduate scholars that identify as first-generation, limited-Income, and/or have a learning or physical disability. The program aims to introduce students to an array of high-impact experiences that aid in their holistic success and help them to maximize their full potential. These include:

Helping students to connect with mentors
Strengthening social and professional network
Exploring purpose-driven internships
Developing financial literacy
And more

TRIO staff support scholars with reaching their full potential by helping to curate a robust and flexible 4-year plan that aligns scholars’ academic endeavors with their professional and professional goals.

Services and benefits 

Individual academic, personal, career, and graduate school coaching
Dedicated support with financial aid assistance 
Dedicated support with financial literacy and economic decision-making
Graduate school and Career Preparation coaching
Peer mentoring and support
Assistance with summer internships and goal setting
Networking and skill-building workshops with TRIO campus partners
Cultural enrichment and community based events  
Supplemental Grant Aid (if applicable)


Actively participate in the program by meeting with your assigned advisor twice per semester 
Attend Financial Literacy Workshops throughout the semester
Attend academic and study skills workshops 
Participate in graduate school and career preparation workshops
Commit to attending at least one cultural enrichment event per semester 

History of TRIO

TRIO is a federally funded U.S. Department of Education program that supports first generation, low income, and/or students with disabilities transition into and graduate from college. TRIO Scholars have access to financial literacy workshops, academic support, advising, and cultural and professional development events.

National TRIO program

Over 40 years ago, the U.S. Department of Education made a commitment to provide educational opportunities for all Americans regardless of race, ethnic background, or economic circumstances. In support of this commitment, Congress established a series of programs to help students overcome academic, social, cultural and class barriers to higher education. These programs are referred to collectively as TRIO. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS), one of these programs, serves students who are first in their families to go to college, low-income by federal guidelines or have a learning or physical disability.

TRIO at WashU

Washington University has maintained a TRIO grant since the early 1970s. Approximately 10% of Washington University’s undergraduate students are TRIO-eligible. Each year, our grant allows us to provide comprehensive services to 206 TRIO-eligible undergraduate students. The purpose of TRIO SSS is to increase the number of disadvantaged low-income college students, first-generation college students, and college students with disabilities in the United States who successfully complete a program of study at the post-secondary level.